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October 23, 2020

Rochester, NY’s most beloved death metal trio, UNDEATH, have today released their debut full length album, Lesions Of A Different Kind available to purchase here. Lesions Of A Different Kind is the sound of three lifetimes of subterranean sickness and metal worship coalescing in a severe brain-bludgeoning.

The band have also released a new video for the track Entranced By The Pendulum premiering now via Brooklyn Vegan. Speaking on the video, the band said: “We drove over to Columbus, Ohio from Rochester to shoot this video with Josh Nunn, who we found out about through the killer video he shot for Incantation’s ‘Fury’s Manifesto’. We hit him up on a whim not really expecting him to respond, but thankfully he hit us right back to say he was down and we started making plans pretty much immediately. The whole production was nuts, with fake blood everywhere and a giant swinging pendulum Josh and his team had rigged from the ceiling. Hope y’all enjoy watching this as much as we enjoyed filming it!”

Of the album release, the band comment:

“We’re so stoked that Lesions Of A Different Kind is finally out in the world for everyone to hear. We put so much time, sweat and care into making sure this thing is nothing short of a badass, skull crushing, death metal record from top to bottom and we strongly believe that the final product reflects that and then some. Thank you so much to the fine folks at Prosthetic and Maggot Stomp for believing in us and helping make this album a reality, as well as to all of the fans and fantastic new death metal bands who keep us motivated and inspired every day.”

In regards playing live, they add: “Hopefully things return some sort of relative normalcy sooner rather than later and we can come to your city and play these songs live for you, but in the meantime…turn this shit on, crank the volume up and bang your fucking heads! Cheers!”

UNDEATH will be celebrating the release of Lesions Of A Different Kind this evening (October 23) by performing the album in its entirety from Songbyrd DC as a live-streamed show. Tickets to the show are available here; the show starts at 8pm (EDT) and costs $10.